Monday, November 1, 2010

The time has come. This is history in the making.

Election day is upon us, and we have never had a more critical situation than what we have going into this election. The United States is broke. We have record deficits and a runaway debt that sits at $13,668,009,500,000 as I write this.
When George W Bush took the reigns in 2001, the debt stood at app 5.7 trillion. The national debt stood at just over 8.5 trillion when democrats took over the House in 2007, an increase of just under 3 trillion in 6 years. Since 2007 the debt has increased by nearly 5 trillion, 3 trillion of which has come under President Obama in under 2 years. Obama and the democrats have raised the national debt in under 2 years the same amount it increased in 6 years under GW Bush. At the current pace under Obama, if he were to be re-elected in 2012, by the time he leaves office in 2017, the debt will be at a staggering 22 trillion dollars! This has to stop!
Vice President Biden has stated we have to spend more money to keep from going bankrupt. I would like to think this opinion is not shared by a lot of liberals, but unfortunately it is.
Spending money on things we don't need is not a luxury we can afford right now. A good example is the rail system between Madison and Milwaukee. Wisconsin will receive $810 million in stimulus money from the federal government towards this project. Scott Walker, the Republican candidate for Governor has pledged to stop this from happening. Scott has also been leading in the polls over Democrat Tom Barrett, who supports the project. According to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel dated today "Just days before an election that could decide the fate of a planned high-speed rail line, state and federal administrators quietly signed a deal to commit the state to spending all $810 million of the federal stimulus cash allocated to the Milwaukee-to-Madison route, transportation officials confirmed Monday."

How convenient that just days before the election, Doyle and company rammed this through. This is a waste of tax payer money! Why don't I support it? First of all, nothing in life is free. Second, even though $810 million is coming from federal stimulus money, state tax payers will still be paying to run this choo-choo train. It will not pay for itself! Why? Because this is rural America. Rail has its place, like the elevated trains in Chicago and the subways in NYC. If I lived in NYC I would take the subway just to avoid traffic and the nightmare of trying to find a parking space. But in Wisconsin very few people will use it meaning we will still have to build and maintain our roads at the same rate we currently do. If it could be proven that we would save enough on building and maintaining roads to balance the cost of the rail system, I wouldn't care. But that will never happen. Doyle knows the majority of people in Wisconsin oppose this, but he rammed it through anyway. Why should he care what people think? After all, with his approval ratings, he couldn't get elected dog catcher right now.
This is the kind of mentality liberals have. The majority of Americans opposed Obamacare and the majority want it repealed. Do liberals care? No. Because they believe we are too stupid to know what's good for us so they need to push these things through for our own good. This is why we need change.
We also have a President that is pushing us ever closer to Socialism. How will he accomplish this? By destroying our current system of government.
Earlier this year, Obama said "I mean I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." Really? Take a look at some of the successful people in recent history that started with nothing but an idea. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Oprah Winfrey are all quick examples that come to mind. Who are we to tell these people "well screw you, your hard work and your talent. You've made enough." Excuse me?
Recently I had a very heated political debate with a very liberal friend. (We have since agreed to not discuss politics anymore for the sake of our friendship.)
This friend leans further to the left than Obama, or at least further left than Obama leads us to believe. This friend is all for communism and says we fear communism because we don't truly understand it. He told me true communism is what we see in the Star Trek series, particularly the Next Generation. In that series, people don't work for money, but instead everyone works to better themselves and humanity. That is the system he wants and tells me that us the system President Obama envisions. I believe he is correct in that is what our President wants. That is not a system of government that I want. That leads to what the Book of Revelation predicts, ie a one world government.
Conservatives generally stand for less government at the national level and giving more control to the local level. Conservatives know the way to jump start a sluggish economy is not to spend, spend spend, but rather to create incentives for people to start small businesses and give existing businesses room to expand and hire more people. More people working equals more people able to spend and that can help our economy.
At the state level, Scott Walker understands this and wants to get us to that point. His opponent, Democrat Tom Barrett, wants more spending and bigger government. Mr. Barrett has been mayor of Milwaukee since 2004 and Milwaukee is the 4th poorest city in the nation.
At the national level for one of our two Senators, we have Republican businessman Ron Johnson and self proclaimed "maverick" Russ Feingold. Ron understands the need to create jobs and let the private sector help get our economy going. Russ Feingold calls himself a maverick, but when it comes down to it he votes right along with Reid, Pelosi and company.
Feingold brags about hitting all 72 counties every year and listens to the people. I have heard too many times that Feingold hears the people but he doesn't listen. My own experiences with Feingolds staff tells me all I need to know. I recently had three separate conversations with Feingold staffers and all three lied. 18 years of Russ Feingold is enough.
In conclusion, this YouTube video is very fitting for the times we currently live in. It features Ronald Reagan from a speech he gave many years ago. It also gives clips of some of our more popular elected liberals and their beliefs. Watch this and remember this when you vote.!

Remember to vote. Save our nation from the liberals who wish to destroy it.
All the best. May God bless.

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