Friday, February 25, 2011

Protesters for and against, stay away from each other.

Early this morning Governor Walker's budget repair bill passed the assembly and now waits for the Senate, but as everyone knows, our state Senators remain hiding out in Illinois. Despite numerous editorials telling them it's time to come home, including ones from very left leaning newspapers, they remain in hiding. The missing 14 also don't seem to care that the public sees their stunt as a bad thing.

I think the 14 Senators are doing what their bosses are telling them to do, and ironically, those bosses are not us, the voters that elected them. The bosses are the union leaders at the national level. The question is why. If the missing 14 would come home, the vote could be taken and it would be over with. Yes, people would be angry, but it would bring closure and people could go home and resume their lives.

With each passing day things are growing more and more tense, not just here in Wisconsin, but in other states as well. The longer this goes on, the shorter peoples fuses get. They are away from family and friends. Many are sleeping in places that aren't conducive to a good night's sleep. Many have gone days without a shower and a decent meal. Yes, you can eat pizza and fast food all the time, but it's not healthy and after a while, you start to not feel well.

All of that and the uncertainty of how and when it's going to end are creating a witches brew of potential problems.

The rhetoric from the left keeps getting ramped up higher and higher, and it's causing people to get more and more worked up. I don't believe this is accidental. I think certain people higher up in the chain of command are hoping something bad happens.

Consider the possibilities. You have tired, angry people that know that all that is left is for the Senate in Wisconsin to vote and it's over which they don't want. You bring people who support Governor Walker's proposal into the picture and have the union bosses toss in a few outside agitators and you could suddenly have a fight break out. With people having short fuses already, you suddenly have a situation that calls for intervention, and that can lead to riots. It may sound far fetched, but I believe the possibility is very real and is one the union bosses are hoping for.

I am suggesting people that favor these proposals by Governor Walker and those in other states steer clear of the State Capitol and other places where the pro union folks are gathered. They have a right to protest, it's a fundamental American right and they are properly exercising that right. Those of us on the opposite side of the unions have the right to gather too, I am simply saying to do it someplace else.

If the opposing sides stay away from each other and something happens, blame can only be placed on one side, and that's the side that is present at that moment.

This doesn't mean out rights are being taken from us. It simply means we are playing it smart and not falling into a potential trap.

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