Thursday, February 17, 2011

The stinking, foul disgusting hypocrisy of Democrats knows no bounds.

Do you think I am upset from that title? You have no idea.

Earlier this year, Democrats in DC tried to introduce legislation to eliminate the fillibuster in the US Senate. For those that don't know what that is, a fillibuster essentially allows US Senators unlimited debate on the grounds that any Senator has the right to speak as long as necessary on any issue. This right was limited in the House of Representatives years ago because the House is so much larger.
Democrats this year defended this move to eliminate the fillibuster claiming it had been used too many times by their Republican counterparts and was therefore being abused. This effort failed. It did however have widespread support from liberals all over the country. Keep in mind the fillibuster is completely legal and has also been used many times by Democrats in the past.
Today in Wisconsin, a vote was pending on the Budget Repair Bill proposed by Governor Scott Walker. Democrats didn't want that to happen. So what did they do? They fled the Capitol, and in doing so made it impossible for the Wisconsin State Senate to vote. In order to vote, at least twenty senators must be present. There are currently nineteen Republican and fourteen Democratic senators. All fourteen democrats FLED the Capitol leaving nineteen senators with the inability to vote. But it doesn't end there.
The fourteen senators didn't just flee the Capitol, the left the state. Why? Because under the Wisconsin constitution, senators who leave can be "compelled" to return to vote. Today the Wisconsin State Patrol was sent out to try and locate the democrats who fled. This is why the democrats left the state and went to Illinois. Our state Police have no jurisdiction to go get them in another state.
Governor Walker held a press conference this afternoon where, among other things, he encouraged the senators to come back and do the job they were elected to do. At the time that I write this, to my knowledge none have returned.
Liberals on the news and all over are cheering this "bold move" by these fourteen senators because they are doing this to save these poor state employees from having to pay more towards their insurance and pensions. But here's the problem.
While the fillibuster is a completely legal thing to do at the national level, what our democratic state senators are doing is a violation of the rules here in Wisconsin. If a vote is scheduled, state senators are required to be there.
So nationally, liberals want to change the law to end a completely legal procedure that they themselves have used many times and at the same time are cheering our state senators for breaking the rules that accomplish the exact same thing as the fillibuster, preventing a vote.
As I said in the headline...Stinking, foul disgusting hypocrisy of Democrats knows no bounds.

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