Saturday, March 19, 2011

This week in unions and other goodies.

I have to begin with a bit of humor courtesy of comedian Dennis Miller.

"DennisDMZDennis Miller
NYTimes leans more to the left than NASCAR driver on muscle relaxants, thats why they have poorer circulation than Michael Moore in a Speedo"

Ok, aside from the disturbing mental image of Michael Moore in a Speedo, that's just funny stuff.

Wow, what a week in Wisconsin. There is no sign anything is slowing down with this union battle, and fortunately, at least from my perspective, unions are doing more damge to themselves than anyone could ever do to them.
First, we have this.,0,5848644.story?track=rss

A company currently based in Illinois is moving to Kenosha bringing 75 jobs to that community. The company also plans to add 30 jobs in the next few years. The company president stated he had been in contact with officials in Kenosha prior to the November election, but what sealed the deal was Lt Governor Kleefisch reaching out to them.
But while this is going on inside their new location, outside were union people were angrily protesting, yelling "recall Walker!"
I'm not going to be nice or polite here. Bottom line? These protesters are I D I O T S!! They are so butt blind with anger over having to pay their fair share, they lose sight of the fact that it's private sector jobs like these that result in them being employed! This is not rocket science. Private sector employees pay taxes. The companies that employ them pay taxes. That tax money is used to pay public sector workers. I can't believe I or anyone else actually have to sit and spell this out. Good grief!
Another interesting side note to this story. Now democrats, you really need to pay attention here. This company, Catalyst Exhibits, is coming to Wisconsin because Illinois just did a 2% tax increase. You people on the left keep insisting the answer to budget shortfalls is raising taxes. If you raise taxes, you chase employers out of your state into other states with less taxes.
Look at what the state of Illinois accomplished with this. They had tax revenue coming in from Catalyst Exhibits and from the 75 people they employ. They decide they want to take another 2% and now what will they have for revenue from this company? ZERO! Nadda. Zilch. Nothing. And unless all 75 current employees travel to work in the new location, they are on the unemployment lines. You people on the left get so bent out of shape when conservatives cut taxes. This is why conservatives cut taxes, to create incentives for companies to come here and do business. Hello, McFly, Hello? Are you getting this?

Moving on. Last week my wonderful (note the sarcasm here) county board members decided to ink new deals with the 7 unions representing county workers here in Dodge Co. Prior to the board meeting I heard a comment from a board member that was repeated during the board meeting when these deals were approved. "We already budgeted this money for 2011 so it's ok." Really!? I spoke with the county board chairman this week and gave a simple example of why this is so insanely stupid. Say you have a married couple who have budgeted $1,500 a month for their mortgage payment. Interest rates drop and they have a chance to refinance, dropping their payment to $1,200 a month. Would they pass that up just because they budgeted more? He didn't have an answer for that.

The next nugget.

The woman (another protester) shot this video of her attempting to gain access to the Capitol through a private underground parking ramp. She didn't get her way and was making this issue of the fact that the law enforcement officers who were telling her she needed to prove she could park there or leave refused to show her ID. First of all, cops don't have to show ID just because some putz with a sign and a camera phone demands they do. Second, while there may be a court order stating the Capitol must be open to the public, it doesn't mean the public has access to any entrance they choose. Case in point, the White House.
Like the Wisconsin State Capitol, the White House is also "the people's house." However, if you try and gain entrance to the White House through any other entrance than the one entrance used for public tours, you are going to have some explaining to do to the Secret Service. 

Another item: This is what democracy looks like? No, these are brainless thugs, spoiled children who are ticked off because they will actually have to pay their fair share.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

There are many more examples, but how many do you really need? This is insanity. People at the local level claim they just want to keep their collective bargaining rights and they don't support violence or threats of violence. Then I say this. If you local union members don't speak up and tell the people higher up the ladder you don't want to be associated with this and it needs to stop, you are just as guilty as the people that are being violent.

This one surprised me. A left wing blogger from the Huffington Post talked about the left wing media ignoring the death threats in Wisconsin. He called it "Intellectual Dishonesty and Journalistic Bias."


M&I Banks also got this same letter.
Happily, this thug tactic is backfiring. People are supporting these businesses and some police officers are calling on the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Professional Polica Association to back off.

The Dane County DA filed suit to stop the Secretary of State from publishing the Budget Repair bill which would keep it from becoming law. He didn't file based on the law being unconstitutional, but rather on a procedural issue. The Judge issued a temporary restraining order. Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is taking them on. Go J.B.!,0,3899966.story

And the Republicans do have another option. Since they have the votes, they can call the Senate and Assembly back into session, do the 24 hours notice and vote again.

Proof that Unions aren't about the people they represent or the children or schools.

Many people, myself included have been saying this all along. Nice we have indisputable proof.

That's enough for tonight. Since I opened with something funny, I'll close with the same.

Until next time.

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