Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Waupun union resolution update. It just get's more and more insane

Due to prior obligations, I was unable to attend the city council meeting last night. However, my councilman represented my point of view and stated “I’m against any resolution, It’s not necessary.”

Here's a link to the story. 

Alderman Mike Johnson moved to change some of the wording and vote on it during the April 12th meeting. But he also said this: "If we pass a resolution, will it be a feel good thing, or will it have an impact?" 

I am doing my best to not be a smart mouth here, I really am. But if a Capitol building full of people with signs (some comparing Walker to Adolph Hitler), people chanting, banging on drums, democratic lawmakers yelling "shame shame shame!", MSNBC and all of its 5 viewers, Michael Moore speaking with his socialist agenda and so on and so forth was not enough to get Governor Walker to change his mind, OF COURSE A RESOLUTION FROM WAUPUN IS NOT GOING TO HAVE AN IMPACT!

I don't mean to shout but I can't help but wonder with Mike Johnson is thinking. 

As I stated in my last blog post, the city council can not possibly pass any resolution on this issue and fairly represent both sides, and only representing one side is not fair. The city needs to drop the matter and just be neutral. 

To the three that voted to move this along, those being Matt Hickmann, Mike Johnson and Nancy Vanderkin, get out of the hip pockets of the unions and realize you can't do this without making the residents angry, regardless of what side they come down on. Drop it.


  1. Nice blog, check out mine:

  2. Wrote the following to Mayor Steger and Mr. Bastian on Tues morning. No reply as of Friday night:

    Dear Mr. Bastian and Ms. Steger,

    I completely agree with Mr. Bastian, that adopting a resolution condemning Scott Walker is bad precedence. Not only does it give the strong impression of taking specific sides, but also that you can be bullied into a questionable decision. The tactics used by the Union should preclude your support…in fact, you should more readily support a resolution against such tactics than one against Walker. As a collective group, to threaten and bully private business and citizens of the community is unconscionable.

    You are supposed to be responsible stewards of the taxpayer’s money. To support the Union resolution tells me that you are less interested in efficient government expenditure, and more about cronyism and the status quo of governmental waste.

    If you agree to pass the anti-Walker resolution, then I ask for retroactive resolutions against:
    · The school board for raising taxes 20+% in two years
    · The current federal administration and Congress for passing a healthcare law that increased my premiums over 30% in 6 months
    · Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac who caused my home value to drop by 20% by their incompetent lending practices
    · Jim Doyle and the Democratic-controlled state house who gave us the current situation of impending bankruptcy
    · The Democratic Senate 14 who skipped the state in a disgusting display of childish tantrum, while holding hostage the democratic process

    I could go on for awhile more, but you get the point – made well by Mr. Bastian in the paper. Where was the outrage when private businesses were laying off 40% of the workforce, slashing budgets by 30%, taking 10% pay cuts, forced shutdowns, suspension of 401K contributions, suspending pay raises, reducing benefits while raising employee out-of-pocket for those lessened benefits, etc, etc.? (I experienced all of these things during a 12 month period, while watching taxes and fees increase).

    The umbrage of governmental employees at such modest adjustments would be laughable, except the poison environment created by union leaders is dangerous…these same union leaders the Waupun Council is considering supporting.

    Best wishes on your future decision,

    Denis Christopherson
