Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5th election. Turnout is crucial. Vote for Prosser.

Last November, we spoke. We went to the polls and we voted because we wanted change, and we got it. Now, that change is at risk because a group of greedy, power hungry people can't accept having to live they way the private sector has had to live, on less.

They have stated that they accept the increased pension and healthcare contributions, but in nearly every debate I have either witnessed or participated in, it still comes back to money. Money, money, money. It is little wonder Paul wrote this to Timothy:

1 Timothy 6:10 (King James Version)

 10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
"The root of all evil."

Take a look back at the last couple of months. People fighting and a city divided, my city. In Madison we saw people with no respect damage the state Capitol building. We see people with no respect for the law promise a "tsunami of litigation" to get their way. It doesn't matter that this is the will of the majority. The election last November means nothing to these people.

This evening I learned from a post on Facebook that John "Sly in the morning" Sylvester will be appearing at a pro union rally here in Waupun Tuesday afternoon. In January, "Sly", on his radio show, said this about Lt. Governor Kleefisch:

"How amateurish is it to have Rebecca Kleefisch, who, I don't know, she has some like little panty business in her basement or something, I don't know. She's hardly a, she's hardly an entrepreneur. You know what? You know how amateurish that is? Cold-calling?"

Then, using a high pitched voice pretending to be Kleefisch, Sly said this:

"'Would you like to move to Wisconsin? Would you like to move CouponCabin to Wisconsin? I'm Rebecca Kleefisch. I performed fellatio on all the talk show hosts in Milwaukee. And they endorsed me and that's how I became lieutenant governor. And then I got colon cancer and I ran around the state to help people. Even though I have government health care, screw everyone else."

THIS is what the union people in my city are PROUD to bring here. PROUD! "For the love of money is the root of all evil..."

Here's a link that contains the audio of Sly's remarks. You will see a play button next to underlined text that says "Madison's "Sly In The Morning" attacks Lt. Gov Kleefisch" 

The unions and other special interest groups have been pouring money into television advertising to try and get liberal democrat Joanne Kloppenburg elected to the state Supreme Court. Kloppenburg is not qualified and in any other year would not have a chance of getting elected. However, she now has a chance because people being driven by greed are behind her. "For the love of money is the root of all evil..."

It is my prayer that David Prosser will retain his seat on the Supreme Court. People must get out and vote for David Prosser. Show the other side that evil and greed will not win.

Paul went on to say this in verse 11:  11But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

Last night, in thinking about the actions of the unions and the democrats, this came to mind.
"We are the borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

Re-written for democrats.

"We are democrats. Open your wallets and surrender your liberties. We will use litigation and activist judges to get our way. You taxpayers will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
Star Trek fans will get that right away. If you're not a fan, ask someone who is. 
With that I have decided to take a break from politics. I am uncertain when I will post again. It may be a week, a month or longer. I am tired. I hope you have enjoyed reading My Views.

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