Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An open letter to all public union members.

The following is a letter to all public union members. Please note that I did not write this. The individual that did write this said to feel free to pass it along, but requested that his name not be used. To me, it's an excellent letter which is why I am passing it along.

For the last three months I have witnessed you public employee union members carry on your rage filled tantrums. At first it was directed against our elected governor and legislature. It involved death threats to them and their children, and vandalism to their personal property.

It then was directed at our beautiful historic capitol building and included damaging the walls, breaking windows and urinating on the floors.

Your rage was also directed at the very existence of our governmental functions by screaming and pounding on your pots and pans, disrupting daily work at the Capitol for weeks and by trying to reverse the elections of last fall which obviously didn't go your way.

Your tantrums soon were then directed at businesses of large and small, the very backbone of our state's economy, threatening the people who raise the capital in order for people to pay taxes to pay your salaries and benefits.

Now your rage is directed at "We the people," the hand that feeds you. At the taxpayer Day rally you screamed and booed at a young girl as she spoke and sang "God bless America." Real nice. You try to drown anyone out at every turn and take any available opportunity to shove your agenda in our faces whenever you can.

If your behavior is to bring attention to yourselves, it is working. I have taken notice and will show my displeasure at the polls at every election.

One consequence of your rage filled tantrums is that I can never look at a teacher again without wondering if the teacher is one of the thugs in sheep's clothing that we have seen so much of. Great examples for our youth. The "shame, shame, shame" that you constantly scream at people should be directed right back at you.

Keep up your antics as I am probably not the only member of the silent majority that you have polarized to do whatever it takes to keep Democrats out of office. For that I do thank you and for no more. We will show you "what democracy looks like" because what you think it looks like is very wrong.

1 comment:

  1. The unions call it "Democracy in action" - I see it as "anarchy in action". In reality, it is sedition.
