Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Poking fun of a child with Down's Syndrome...For the left, there is no such thing as "too low."

There are times when one wonders why they have to even take the time to write about something. I know that we live in a time when heated political rhetoric is at an all-time high. I know people on the left hate Sarah Palin and that is their right. Over the last few years, Sarah Palin has taken quite a beating from the left. Her daughter Bristol has also taken quite a beating. But there are some people and topics that are just off limits, like, for example, an innocent child with Down's syndrome. But some people won't even stop there.

A blogger on the site, an individual named Jack Stuef, decided to dedicate an entire blog post to Trig Palin, Sarah Palin's son. Someone from team Sarah posted a happy birthday message at the exact time of his birth. They wrote a poem.The last paragraph of the poem says 

"oh, little boy what are you dreaming about
A mother's soft lullaby... The soft touch of her hand... The soft sound of her voice as she says I love you
Dream a little boy as the Angels stand guard."

The blogger then said this "What's he dreaming about? Nothing. He's retarded."

As someone who has a special needs person in his family, it absolutely amazes me that with all the progress we've made, this kind of thing could possibly still go on. I have an older brother who turned 49 a few weeks ago. He suffered a brain injury at birth due to the negligence of a nurse. I grew up watching and listening to insensitive people stare, giggle and just poke fun of my big brother. You see, my brother makes strange hand gestures at times, pulls funny faces and just doesn't act "normal." Anyone with a working brain can look at him for 30 seconds and knows he is a special needs person, but that doesn't stop some people from poking fun.

My brother has a real disadvantage in that he is different, but he also knows he's different. He's also smart enough and is well aware of what goes on around him so he knows when people are staring at him.

It's difficult enough growing up and seeing your two younger brothers get their drivers licenses, get married and have children of their own and know that you are not able to do the same. But to add insult to injury, he can't even go out in public without people staring at him and poking fun of him. There have been a few times when I have witnessed this in restaurants where I have told my brother to go wash his hands, and while he was gone, I would walk over to the people that were poking fun of him and publicly embarrass them. For most, that public embarrassment was enough to get them to stop but some people didn't even let embarrassment stop them.

Everyone is familiar with that phrase "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." That is something I have said time and time again in my life. However, there are some people who should have to go through what people like my brother go through. There would be no better medicine than to have the same issues that a special needs person has while at the same time having a fully functioning brain to be able to process the hurt that the special needs person lives with. 

People like the author of this blog have no class whatsoever. In fact, I would argue that my brother is handicapped, but this blogger is the one that is retarded.

What people don't realize, is that something so simple as slipping on the ice and hitting their head could leave them in the exact same condition as my brother. Or, a family member of a special needs person who gets fed up and takes a baseball bat to people that do this sort of thing.

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